
Since the Center's founding in 2001, CURA students, faculty, and staff have published impactful papers on a variety of urban issues. View CURA's most recent work as well as an archive of past publications.



  • Liu, L., Porr, A., and Miller, H. J. (2024). Measuring the impacts of disruptions on public transit accessibility and reliability. Journal of Transport Geography, 114, Article 103769.
  • Stiles, J., & Miller, H. (2024). The built environment and the determination of fault in urban pedestrian crashes: Toward a systems-oriented crash investigation. Journal of Transport and Land Use17(1), 97–113.
  • Liu L., Lee J., & Miller, H. (2024). Evaluating accessibility benefits and ridership of bike-transit integration through a social equity lens. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 112, 2024.
  • Liu, L., & Miller, H. J. (2024). Accessibility derivative: Measuring the accessibility contribution of public transit routes. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.
  • Kar, A., Xiao, N., Miller, H., & Le, H. (2024). Inclusive accessibility: Analyzing socio-economic disparities in perceived accessibility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems114
  • Nelson, T., Frazier, A. E., Kedron, P., Dodge, S., Zhao, B., Goodchild, M., Miller, H. J., … Wilson, J. (2024). A research agenda for GIScience in a time of disruptions. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 39(1), 1–24.