Peer research publications that involve faculty and student focusing on those that contribute most centrally to the mission of the center.
Note: We list faculty and student productivity together since faculty and students tend to publish together.
Past Publications
- Liu, L., Porr, A. & Miller, H.J. Realizable accessibility: evaluating the reliability of public transit accessibility using high-resolution real-time data. J Geogr Syst 25, 429–451 (2023).
- Kar, A., Le, H. T. K., & Miller, H. J. (2023). Inclusive Accessibility: Integrating Heterogeneous User Mobility Perceptions into Space-Time Prisms. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 113(10), 2456–2479.
- Li, Y., Miller, H.J., Hyder, A. and Jia, P. (2023) “Understanding the spatiotemporal evolution of opioid overdose events using a regionalized sequence alignment analysis.” Social Science & Medicine, p.116188.
- Willberg, E., Tenkanen, H., Miller, H. J., Pereira, R. H. M., & Toivonen, T. (2023). Measuring just accessibility within planetary boundaries. Transport Reviews, 44(1), 140–166.
- Lin, Y., Li, J., Porr, A., Logan, G., Xiao, N., & Miller, H. J. (2023). Creating building-level, three-dimensional digital models of historic urban neighborhoods from Sanborn Fire Insurance maps using machine learning. PLOS ONE, 18(6), e0286340.
- Liu, L., Kar, A., Tokey, A. I., Le, H. T. K., & Miller, H. J. (2023). Disparities in public transit accessibility and usage by people with mobility disabilities: An evaluation using high-resolution transit data. Journal of Transport Geography, 109, 103589.
- Pratt, K. J., Hanks, A. S., Miller, H. J., Outrich, M., Breslin, L., Blalock, J., Noria, S., Brethauer, S., Needleman, B., & Focht, B. (n.d.). The BARI-hoods Project: Neighborhood social determinants of health and postoperative weight loss using integrated EHR, Census, and county data. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases.
- Liu, L., & Miller, H. J. (2022). Measuring the impacts of dockless micro-mobility services on public transit accessibility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 98, 101885.
- Kar, A., Carrel, A. L., Miller, H. J., & Le, H. T. K. (2022). Public transit cuts during COVID-19 compound social vulnerability in 22 US cities. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 110, 103435.
- Stiles, J., Li, Y., & Miller, H. J. (2022). How does street space influence crash frequency? An analysis using segmented street view imagery. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.
- Li, Y., Miller, H. J., Root, E. D., Hyder, A., & Liu, D. (2022). Understanding the role of urban social and physical environment in opioid overdose events using found geospatial data. Health & Place, 75, 102792.
- Acton, B., Le, H. T. K., & Miller, H. J. (2022). Impacts of bus rapid transit (BRT) on residential property values: A comparative analysis of 11 US BRT systems. Journal of Transport Geography, 100, 103324.
- Armita Kar, Huyen T. K. Le & Harvey J. Miller (2021) What Is Essential Travel? Socioeconomic Differences in Travel Demand in Columbus, Ohio, during the COVID-19 Lockdown, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2021.1956876
- Stiles, J., Kar, A., Lee, J., & Miller, H. J. (2021). Lower Volumes, Higher Speeds: Changes to Crash Type, Timing, and Severity on Urban Roads from COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Policies. Transportation Research Record.
- Miller, H. J., Clifton, K., Akar, G., Tufte, K., Gopalakrishnan, S., MacArthur, J.., Irwin, E., Ramnath, R., & Stiles, J. (2021). Urban Sustainability Observatories: Leveraging Urban Experimentation for Sustainability Science and Policy. Harvard Data Science Review.
- Xiao, N., & Miller, H. J. (2021). Cultivating Urban Big Data. In Shi, W., Goodchild, M. F., Batty, M., Kwan, M., Zhang, A (Eds.). Urban Informatics (pp. 547-565).
- Liu, L., Miller, H.J. and Scheff, J. (2020) “The impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on public transit demand in the United States,” PLOS ONE 15(11): e0242476.
- Li, Y., Hyder, A., Southerland, L.T., Hammond, G., Porr, A. and Miller, H.J. (2020) “311 service requests as indicators of neighborhood distress and opioid use disorder,” Nature Scientific Reports, 10, 19579.
- Lee, J., and Miller, H.J., (2020). “Robust accessibility: Measuring accessibility based on travelers’ heterogeneous strategies for managing travel time uncertainty.” Journal of Transportation Geography, Elsevier.
- Liu, L., Miller, H.J., (2020). “Measuring Risk of Missing Transfers in Public Transit Systems using High-Resolution Schedule and Real-time Bus Location Data.” Urban Studies.
- Lee, J., Irwin, N., Irwin, E., and Miller, H.J., (2020). "The Role of Distance-Dependent Versus Localized Amenities in Polarizing Urban Spatial Structure: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Residential Location Value in Columbus, Ohio," 2000–2015. Geographical Analysis. 10.1111/gean.12238.
- Lee, J., Porr, A., and Miller, H.J., (2020). “Evidence of Increased Vehicle Speeding in Ohio’s Major Cities during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Transport Findings, June.
- Xiao, N. and Miller, H.J. (2020). “Cultivating urban big data.” In Shi, W., Goodchild, M., Batty, M., and Kwan, M.-P. (Eds.) Urban Informatics. Springer. In Press.
- Xiao, N. and Armstrong, M. P. (2020). “Genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing.” In John P. Wilson (Ed.) The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge (1st Quarter 2020 Edition). DOI:10.22224/gistbok/2020.1.1.
- Xiao, N. (2020). “Evolutionary algorithms.” In Audrey Kobayashi (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd Ed.. Elsevier. In Press.
- McHaney-Lindstrom, M., Hebert, C., Miller, H.J., Moffatt-Bruce, S. and Root, E. (2020) “Network analysis of intrahospital transfers and hospital-onset Clostridium Difficile infection,” Health Information and Libraries Journal, 37, 26-34.
- Miller, H.J., (2020) “GIScience, fast and slow: Why faster geographic information is not always smarter,” Progress in Human Geography, 44, 129-138.
- Jaegal, Y. and Miller, H.J. (2020) “Measuring the structural similarity of network time prisms using temporal signatures with graph indices,” Transactions in GIS, 24, 3-26.
- Park, Y., Mount, J., Liu, L., Xiao, N. and Miller, H.J., (2020). “Assessing public transit performance using real-time data: Spatio-temporal patterns of bus operation delays in Columbus, Ohio, USA,” International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 34, 367-392.
- Xiao, N. and Murray, A. (2019). “Spatial optimization for land acquisition problems: a review of models, solution methods, and GIS support.” Transactions In GIS. 23(4): 645-671.
- Miller, H.J., Jaegal, Y. and Raubal, M. (2019) “Measuring the geometric and semantic similarity of space-time prisms using temporal signatures,” Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 109, 730-753.
- Miller, H.J., Dodge, S., Miller, J.A. and Bohrer, G., (2019). “Towards an integrated science of movement: Converging research on animal movement ecology and human mobility,” International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 33, 855-876.
- Proffitt, D., Bartholomew, K., Ewing, R. and Miller, H.J. (2019) “Accessibility planning in American metropolitan areas: Are we there yet?” Urban Studies, 56, 167-192
- Lee, J. and Miller, H.J., (2019). “Analyzing collective accessibility using average space-time prisms,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 69, 250-264.
- Proffitt, D., Bartholomew, K., Ewing, R. and Miller, H.J. (2019) “Accessibility planning in American metropolitan areas: Are we there yet?” Urban Studies, 56, 167-192
- Mahmoudi, M., Song, Y., Miller, H.J. and Zhou, X. (2019) “Accessibility with time and resource constraints: Computing hyper-prisms for sustainable transportation planning,” Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 73, 171-183.
- Werner, C.M., Brown, B.B., Stump, T., Tribby, C.P., Jensen, W., Miller, H.J., Strebel, A. and Messina, A. (2018) Street use and design: Daily rhythms on four streets that differ in rated walkability, Journal of Urban Design, DOI: 10.1080/13574809.2018.1448706
- Lee, J. and Miller, H.J., (2018). Measuring the impacts of new public transit services on space-time accessibility: An analysis of transit system redesign and new bus rapid transit in Columbus, Ohio, USA, Applied Geography, 93, 47-63.
- Miller, H.J. (2018). Mesogeography: Social physics, GIScience and the quest for geographic knowledge, Progress in Human Geography, 42, 600-609.
- Song, Y., Miller, H.J., Stempihar, J. and Zhou, X., (2017). Green accessibility: Estimating the environmental costs of network-time prisms for sustainable transportation planning, Journal of Transport Geography, 64, 109-119.
- Kuijpers, B., Miller, H.J. and Othman, W., (2017). Kinetic prisms: incorporating acceleration limits into space-time prisms, International Journal of Geographic Information Science, 31, 2164-2194.
- Proffitt, D., Bartholomew, K., Ewing, R. and Miller, H.J., (2017). Accessibility planning in American metropolitan areas: Are we there yet? Urban Studies, DOI:
- Miller, H.J. (2017). “Geographic Information Science II. Mesogeography: Social physics, GIScience and the quest for geographic knowledge, Progress in Human Geography. DOI:
- Miller H.J. (2017). Geographic information observatories and opportunistic GIScience, Progress in Human Geography, 41, 489-500.
- Tribby C.P., Miller H.J., Brown B.B., Smith K.R. and Werner C.M. (2017). Geographic regions for assessing built environmental correlates with walking trips: A comparison using different metrics and model designs, Health and Place, 45, 1-9.
- Tribby C.P., Miller H.J., Brown B.B., Werner C.M. and Smith K.R. (2016). Analyzing walking route choice through built environments using random forests and discrete choice techniques, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design.
- Brown B.B., Smith K.R., Tharp D.S., Werner, C.M., Tribby, C.P., Miller, H.J. and Jensen, W. (2016). A complete street intervention for walking to transit, non-transit walking, and bicycling: A quasi-experimental demonstration of increased use, Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 13, 1210-1219.
- Miller H.J. and Tolle K. (2016). Big data for healthy cities: Using location-aware technologies, open data and 3D urban models to design healthier built environments, Built Environment, 42, 441-456
- Brown B.B., Werner C.M., Smith K.R., Tribby C.P., Miller H.J., Jensen W. and Tharp D.S. (2016) Environmental, behavioral, and psychological predictors of transit ridership: Evidence from a community intervention. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 46,188-196.
- Brown, B.B., Tharp, D., Tribby, C.P., Smith, K.R., Miller, H.J., Werner, C.M. (2016) Changes in bicycling over time associated with a new bike lane: Relations with kilocalories energy expenditure and body mass index, Journal of Transport and Health, 3, 357-365.
- Tang J., Song Y., Miller H.J. and Zhou X. (2016). Estimating the most likely space-time paths, dwell times and path uncertainties from vehicle trajectory data: A time geographic method, Transportation Research C, 66, 176-194.
- Song Y., Miller H.J., Zhou X. and Proffitt D. (2016). Modeling visit probabilities within network time prisms using Markov techniques, Geographical Analysis, 48, 18-42.
- Werner C.M., Brown B.B., Tribby C.P., Tharp D.S., Flick K., Miller H.J., Smith K.R. and Jensen W. (2016) Evaluating the attractiveness of a new light rail extension: Testing simple change and displacement change hypotheses, Transport Policy, 45, 5–23.
- Tribby C.P., Miller H.J., Brown B.B., Werner C.M. and Smith K.R. “Assessing built environment walkability using activity space summary measures,” Journal of Transport and Land Use, 9, 1-21.
- Miller H.J. (2015). Space-time data science for a speedy world, I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, 10, 705-720.
- Farber S., O’Kelly M.E., Miller H.J. and Neutens T. (2015). Measuring segregation using patterns of daily travel behavior: a social interaction based model of exposure, Journal of Transport Geography, 49, 26-38.
- Tong L., Zhou X. and Miller H.J. (2015). Transportation network design for maximizing space-time accessibility, Transportation Research B, 81, 555-576.
- Miller H.J., Tribby C.P., Brown B.B., Smith K.R., Werner C.M., Wolf J., Wilson L. and Oliveira M.G.S. (2015). Public transit generates new physical activity: Evidence from individual GPS and accelerometer data before and after light rail construction in a neighborhood of Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Health and Place, 26, 8 – 17.
- Miller H.J. and Shaw, S.-L. (2015). Geographic information systems for transportation in the 21st century, Geography Compass, 9, 180-189.
- Brown B.B., Werner C.M., Tribby C.P., Miller H.J. and Smith K.R. (2015). Transit use, physical activity, and body mass index changes: Objective measures associated with Complete Street light rail construction, American Journal of Public Health, 105, 1468-1474
- Miller H.J. and Goodchild, M.F. (2015). Data-driven geography, GeoJournal, 80, 449-461.
- Steven Farber, M.E. O’Kelly, H.J. Miller, Tijs Neutens, (2015). Measuring segregation using patterns of daily travel behavior: a social interaction based model of exposure. Journal of Transport Geography, 49, 26-38. [open access]
- J.F. Campbell, G. Miranda, Jr., R.S. Camargo, R.S., M.E. O’Kelly, (2015). Hub Location and Network Design with Fixed and Variable Costs, Proceedings of the 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Computer Society Press, 1059-1067.
- M.A Niedzielski, M.E. O’Kelly, E.E. Boschmann, (2015). Synthesizing spatial interaction data for social science research: Validation and an investigation of 11 spatial mismatch in Wichita, Kansas. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 54, 204-218
- M.E. O'Kelly, Henrique Pacca L. Luna, Ricardo S. de Camargo, Gilberto de Miranda Jr. (2015). Hub location problems with price sensitive demands. Networks and Spatial Economics, 15(4), 917-945.
- M.E. O’Kelly. (2015). Network hub structure and resilience. Special Issue on “Resilience and Vulnerability in Spatial and Economic Networks. Networks and Spatial Economics, 15(2), 235-251. DOI: 10.1007/s11067-014-9267-1
- M.E. O’Kelly, James F. Campbell, Ricardo Camargo, Gilberto Miranda. (2015). Multiple Allocation Hub Location Model with Fixed Arc Costs. Geographical Analysis 47 (1): 73–96
- Sui, D. (2015). Emerging GIS themes and the six senses of the new mind: is GIS becoming a liberation technology?. Annals of GIS, 21(1), 1-13.
- Kay, S., Zhao, B., & Sui, D. (2015). Can social media clear the air? A case study of the air pollution problem in Chinese cities. The Professional Geographer, 67(3), 351-363.
- Chen, W., Wheeler, K. K., Huang, Y., Lin, S. M., Sui, D. Z., & Xiang, H. (2015). Evaluation of spatial accessibility to Ohio trauma centers using a GIS-based gravity model. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 1-10.
- M.E. O'Kelly. (2014). Air Freight Hubs in the FedEx System: Analysis of Fuel Use. Journal of Air Transport Management, 36, 1-12.
- Rafael M.A. Figueiredo, M.E. O’Kelly and Nelio D. Pizzolato. (2014). A two-stage hub location method for air transportation in Brazil. International Transactions in Operational Research. 21(2), 275–289. [Article first published online: 17 OCT 2013; DOI: 10.1111/itor.12052]
- Park, Y., & O’Kelly, M. E. (2014). Fuel burn rates of commercial passenger aircraft: variations by seat configuration and stage distance. Journal of transport geography, 41, 137-147.
- DeLyser, D., & Sui, D. (2014). Crossing the qualitative-quantitative chasm III: Enduring methods, open geography, participatory research, and the fourth paradigm. Progress in Human Geography, 38(2), 294-307.
- Jiang, B., & Sui, D. Z. (2014). A new kind of beauty out of the underlying scaling of geographic space. The Professional Geographer, 66(4), 676-686.
- DeLyser, D., & Sui, D. (2013). Crossing the qualitative-quantitative divide II: Inventive approaches to big data, mobile methods, and rhythmanalysis. Progress in human geography, 37(2), 293-305.
- Lee, K., Caverlee, J., Cheng, Z., & Sui, D. Z. (2014). Campaign extraction from social media. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), 5(1), 1-28.
- Sui, D. (2014). Opportunities and impediments for open GIS. Transactions in GIS, 18(1), 1-24.
- Baginski, J., Sui, D., & Malecki, E. J. (2014). Exploring the intraurban digital divide using online restaurant reviews: A case study in Franklin County, Ohio. The Professional Geographer, 66(3), 443-455.
- M.E. O'Kelly. (2013). Spatial Interaction. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition. Elsevier.
- Rafael M. A. Figueiredo, M.E. O’Kelly, Nelio D. Pizzolato. (2013). Hub-and-Spoke Location Proposal for Air Transport in South America. Revista del Instituto Chileno de Investigación Operativa 1, 21-38
- Daniel A. Griffith, Yongwan Chun, M.E. O’Kelly, Brian J. L. Berry, Robert P. Haining, Mei-Po Kwan. (2013). Geographical Analysis: the first forty years. Geographical Analysis, 45, 1-27.
- Li, S., & Sui, D. (2013). Pareto’s law and sample size: a case study of China’s urban system 1984–2008. GeoJournal, 78(4), 615-626.
- Caverlee, J., Cheng, Z., Sui, D. Z., & Kamath, K. Y. (2013). Towards Geo-Social Intelligence: Mining, Analyzing, and Leveraging Geospatial Footprints in Social Media. IEEE Data Eng. Bull., 36(3), 33-41.
Archive of Past Publications
- O’Kelly, M. E. (2012). Fuel burn and environmental implications of airline hub networks. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 17(7), 555-567.
- O’Kelly, M. E. (2012, June). Models for spatial interaction data: Computation and interpretation of accessibility. In International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (pp. 249-262). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Campbell, J. F., & O'Kelly, M. E. (2012). Twenty-five years of hub location research. Transportation Science, 46(2), 153-169.
- O’Kelly, M. E., Niedzielski, M. A., & Gleeson, J. (2012). Spatial interaction models from Irish commuting data: variations in trip length by occupation and gender. Journal of Geographical Systems, 14(4), 357-387.
- O’Kelly, M. E. (2012). The Role of Geographic Expertise in International Border Disputes: A Study of the Middle of Lake Erie through Historical and Cartographic Perspectives. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102(1), 67-83.
- Sui, D., & DeLyser, D. (2012). Crossing the qualitative-quantitative chasm I: Hybrid geographies, the spatial turn, and volunteered geographic information (VGI). Progress in human geography, 36(1), 111-124.
- Elwood, S., Goodchild, M. F., & Sui, D. Z. (2012). Researching volunteered geographic information: Spatial data, geographic research, and new social practice. Annals of the association of American geographers, 102(3), 571-590.
- Sui, D. (2012). Looking through Hägerstrand’s dual vistas: towards a unifying framework for time geography. Journal of Transport Geography, 23, 5-16
- Tu, W., & Sui, D. Z. (2011). A state transformed by information: Texas regional economy in the 1990s. Regional Studies, 45(4), 525-543.
- Sui, D. Z. (2011). Introduction: Strategic directions for the geographical sciences in the next decade. The professional geographer, 63(3), 305-309.
- Sui, D., & Goodchild, M. (2011). The convergence of GIS and social media: challenges for GIScience. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25(11), 1737-1748.
- Sui, D. Z. (2010). GeoJournal: A new focus on spatially integrated social sciences and humanities. GeoJournal, 75(1), 1.
- Lane, G. W., & Sui, D. Z. (2010). Geographies of identity theft in the US: understanding spatial and demographic patterns, 2002–2006. GeoJournal, 75(1), 43-55.
- Chen, W., & Sui, D. Z. (2010). Influenza surveillance using volunteered geographic information (VGI): A GIS-based Hidden Markov modeling approach. Zurich: GIScience.
- Warf, B., & Sui, D. (2010). From GIS to neogeography: ontological implications and theories of truth. Annals of GIS, 16(4), 197-209.
- Matisziw, T. C., Murray, A. T., & Grubesic, T. H. (2009). Exploring the vulnerability of network infrastructure to disruption. The Annals of Regional Science, 43(2), 307.
- Goycoolea, M., Murray, A., Vielma, J. P., & Weintraub, A. (2009). Evaluating approaches for solving the area restriction model in harvest scheduling. Forest Science, 55(2), 149-165.
- Tong, D., & Murray, A. T. (2009). Maximising coverage of spatial demand for service. Papers in Regional Science, 88(1), 85-97.
- Matisziw, T. C., Murray, A. T., & Osleeb, J. P. (2009). The Contributions of Charles S. ReVelle. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 43(2), 90-91.
- Matisziw, T. C., & Murray, A. T. (2009). Siting a facility in continuous space to maximize coverage of a region. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 43(2), 131-139.
- Matisziw, T. C., & Murray, A. T. (2009). Modeling s–t path availability to support disaster vulnerability assessment of network infrastructure. Computers & Operations Research, 36(1), 16-26.
- Kim, H., & O'Kelly, M. E. (2009). Reliable p‐hub location problems in telecommunication networks. Geographical Analysis, 41(3), 283-306.
- Desai, A., Greenbaum, R. T., & Kim, Y. (2009). Incorporating Policy Criteria in Spatial Analysis. The American Review of Public Administration, 39(1), 23–42.
- Xu, Z., & Sui, D. Z. (2009). Effect of small‐world networks on epidemic propagation and intervention. Geographical Analysis, 41(3), 263-282.
- Murray, A. T., Matisziw, T. C., & Grubesic, T. H. (2008). A methodological overview of network vulnerability analysis. Growth and Change, 39(4), 573-592.
- Downs, J. A., Gates, R. J., & Murray, A. T. (2008). Estimating carrying capacity for sandhill cranes using habitat suitability and spatial optimization models. Ecological Modelling, 214(2-4), 284-292.
- Snediker, D. E., Murray, A. T., & Matisziw, T. C. (2008). Decision support for network disruption mitigation. Decision Support Systems, 44(4), 954-969.
- Kim, K., & Murray, A. T. (2008). Enhancing spatial representation in primary and secondary coverage location modeling. Journal of Regional Science, 48(4), 745-768.
- Kim, K., Murray, A. T., & Xiao, N. (2008). A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for surveillance sensor placement. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 35(5), 935-948.
- Grubesic, T. H., Matisziw, T. C., Murray, A. T., & Snediker, D. (2008). Comparative approaches for assessing network vulnerability. International Regional Science Review, 31(1), 88-112.
- Grubesic, T. H., Matisziw, T. C., & Zook, M. A. (2008). Global airline networks and nodal regions. GeoJournal, 71(1), 53-66.
- Grubesic, T. H., & Matisziw, T. C. (2008). Prospects for assessing and managing vulnerable infrastructures: Policy and practice. Growth and Change, 39(4), 543-547.
- Murray, A. T., O’Kelly, M. E., & Church, R. L. (2008). Regional service coverage modeling. Computers & Operations Research, 35(2), 339-355.
- Farhan, B., & Murray, A. T. (2008). Siting park-and-ride facilities using a multi-objective spatial optimization model. Computers & Operations Research, 35(2), 445-456.
- Wu, X., & Murray, A. T. (2008). A new approach to quantifying spatial contiguity using graph theory and spatial interaction. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 22(4), 387-407.
- Matisziw, T. C., Grubesic, T. H., & Wei, H. (2008). Downscaling spatial structure for the analysis of epidemiological data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 32(1), 81-93.
- Murray, A. T., Matisziw, T. C., & Grubesic, T. H. (2007). Critical network infrastructure analysis: interdiction and system flow. Journal of Geographical Systems, 9(2), 103-117.
- Grubesic, T. H., Mack, E., & Murray, A. T. (2007). Geographic exclusion: Spatial analysis for evaluating the implications of Megan's Law. Social Science Computer Review, 25(2), 143-162.
- Murray, A. T., & Tong, D. (2007). Coverage optimization in continuous space facility siting. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 21(7), 757-776.
- ReVelle, C., Murray, A. T., & Serra, D. (2007). Location models for ceding market share and shrinking services. Omega, 35(5), 533-540.
- Wu, C., & Murray, A. T. (2007). Population estimation using Landsat enhanced thematic mapper imagery. Geographical Analysis, 39(1), 26-43.
- Horner, M. W., & Mefford, J. N. (2007). Investigating urban spatial mismatch using job–housing indicators to model home–work separation. Environment and Planning A, 39(6), 1420-1440.
- Grubesic, T. H., & Matisziw, T. C. (2006). On the use of ZIP codes and ZIP code tabulation areas (ZCTAs) for the spatial analysis of epidemiological data. International journal of health geographics, 5(1), 1-15.
- Matisziw, T. C., & Murray, A. T. (2006). Promoting species persistence through spatial association optimization in nature reserve design. Journal of Geographical Systems, 8(3), 289-305.
- Wei, H., Murray, A. T., & Xiao, N. (2006). Solving the continuous space p-centre problem: planning application issues. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 17(4), 413-425.
- Farhan, B., & Murray, A. T. (2006). Distance decay and coverage in facility location planning. The Annals of Regional Science, 40(2), 279-295.
- Grubesic, T. H., & Murray, A. T. (2006). Vital nodes, interconnected infrastructures, and the geographies of network survivability. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 96(1), 64-83.
- Matisziw, T. C., Murray, A. T., & Kim, C. (2006). Strategic route extension in transit networks. European journal of operational research, 171(2), 661-673.
- Weintraub, A., & Murray, A. T. (2006). Review of combinatorial problems induced by spatial forest harvesting planning. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 154(5), 867-879.
- Murray, A. T. (2005). Geography in coverage modeling: exploiting spatial structure to address complementary partial service of areas. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 95(4), 761-772.
- Morrow-Jones, H. A., Anacker, K. B., Chen, W., Horner, M. W., & Malecki, E. J. (2005). Rapid property transactions and price changes: an exploratory study in forensic Geographic Information System (GIS). FOCUS on Geography, 48(3), 19.
- Morrow-Jones, H. A., & Wenning, M. V. (2005). The housing ladder, the housing life-cycle and the housing life-course: Upward and downward movement among repeat home-buyers in a US metropolitan housing market. Urban Studies, 42(10), 1739-1754.
- Anacker, K. B., & Morrow-Jones, H. A. (2005). Neighborhood factors associated with same-sex households in US cities. Urban Geography, 26(5), 385-409.
- Roe*, B., Irwin, E. G., & Morrow-Jones, H. A. (2005). Changes in homeowner preferences for housing density following 11 September 2001. Applied Economics Letters, 12(2), 73-78.
- Lobao, E. G., & Murray, A. T. (2005). Exploratory analysis of the homeless shelter system in Columbus, Ohio. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 87(1), 61-73.
- Ackerman, W. V., & Murray, A. T. (2004). Assessing spatial patterns of crime in Lima, Ohio. Cities, 21(5), 423-437.
Urban and Regional Analysis Initiative (URAI)
The following items, designated URAI were performed or presented during the period 1999-2001 during which time O’Kelly served as Project Leader of the Urban and Regional Analysis Initiative (URAI).
- 2001. M.E. O'Kelly, Tae-Kyung Kim. Campus Collaborative Project. January 23, 2001. URAI Project Leader Report/Roundtable Activity.
- 2001. M.E. O'Kelly, Alan Murray. URAI/Geography Research in Transport Modeling. January 19, 2001. URAI Project Leader Report/Roundtable Activity.
- 2001. M.E. O’Kelly. Graduate Student Urban Research May 11, 2001. URAI Project Leader Report/Roundtable Activity.
- 2000. M.E. O’Kelly. First Suburbs in Franklin County: An Investigation of Local Commuting Patterns Aug 11, 2000. URAI Project Leader Report/Roundtable Activity.
- 1999. M.E. O’Kelly, Alan Murray, Mei-Po Kwan. Geography Capabilities of GIS (Geographic Information System) Nov 5, 1999. URAI Project Leader Report/Roundtable Activity.
- 1999. M.E. O’Kelly. URAI Project Leader State of the CURA Initiative Sep 10, 1999. URAI Project Leader Report/Roundtable Activity.
- 1999. Suzanne Langlois, [MORPC] M.E. O’Kelly, Brian Mikelbank, Mark Horner, Geography Transportation, Transit, and Accessibility July 16, 1999. URAI Project Leader Report/Roundtable Activity.
- 1999. M.E. O’Kelly. The URAI initiative and the foundation of the CURA Apr 16, 1999. URAI Project Leader Report/Roundtable Activity.