CURA researchers have gone on to become professors, data scientists, software engineers, urban planners, and more! If you were affiliated with CURA while you were completing your studies at Ohio State and are not listed here, please contact us so that we can add you to our list.
- Katrin Anacker (City and Regional Planning) Professor of Public Policy at George Mason University
- Shanshan Cai (Geography) Retail Risk Modeling & Analytics at BMO Financial Group
- Jake Carr (Geography) Director of Research at Moody’s Analytics
- Ho-Seop Cha (Geography) Assistant Professor of Geography at Park University
- Nidia Merino Chavez (Anthropology)
- Peter Chen (Geography) Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Connecticut
- David (Wei) Chen (Geography) Product Lead at Thoughtworks
- Kourosh Dadgar (Engineering) Associate Professor of Business Analytics & Information Systems at University of San Francisco
- Varun Ranganathan Dhanvanth (Computer Science and Engineering) Software Engineer at Meta
- Robert Dietz (Economics) Chief Economist for the National Association of Home Builders
- Shaun Fontanella (Geography) GIS Developer at General Dynamics Information Technology
- Tony Grubesic (Geography) Associate Dean for Research & Professor in the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin
- Meng Guo (Geography) Senior Director, Qualitative Analysis and Model Risk at Key Bank
- Miti Gupta (Geography)
- Mark Horner (Geography) Earl B. and Sophia H. Shaw Professor of Geography at Florida State University
- Young Jaegal (Geography) Samsung South Korea
- Yongkang Jing (Geography) GIS Analyst at Chico State Enterprises
- Armita Kar (Geography) Assistant Professor, Geography and Geoinformation science at George Mason University
- Hyun Kim (Geography) Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Kamyoung Kim (Geography) Assistant Professor at Kyungpook National University
- Tae-Kyung Kim (City and Regional Planning) Researcher at Gyeonggi Development Institute
- Saravana Kumar (Computer Science and Engineering) Head of Engineering at Authentic Insurance
- Gunhak Lee (Geography) Assistant Professor at Seoul National University
- Jialin Li (Geography) Data Scientist in Digital Marketing at Epsilon
- Yuchen Li (Geography) Research Associate at the University of Cambridge
- Luyu Liu (Geography) Assistant Professor at the Department of Geosciences at Auburn University
- Yue Lin (Geography) Assistant Instructional Professor of GIScience at The University of Chicago
- David Lipsetz (Sociology and City and Regional Planning) President & Chief Executive Officer of Housing Assistance Council
- Jinhuyng Lee (Geography) Assistant Professor of Geography and Environment at Western University
- Chunyu Liu (Geography) PhD student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Siddharth Mathiazhagan (Computer Science and Engineering) Software Engineer at Google
- Tim Matisziw (Geography) Associate Professor at the University of Missouri
- Brett Morris (City and Regional Planning) Resiliency Planner at Burton Planning Services
- Kaushik Mani (Computer Science and Engineering) Senior Software Engineer at Oracle (OCI)
- Jeff Olson (Geography) Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater
- Kejing Peng (Geography) Software Development Engineer at Microsoft
- Wonseok Seo (City & Regional Planning) Assistant Professor at Chung-Ang University
- Madhuri Sharma (Geography) Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at UT-Knoxville
- Michael Smith (History) MCRP Candidate at The Ohio State University
- Diane Snediker (Geography) Geographer at the US Census Bureau
- Ying Song (Geography) Professor of Geography, Environment and Society at University of Minnesota
- Nicole Stephan (Environment and Natural Resources) Senior GIS Analyst at Prologis
- Calvin Tribby (Geography) GIS Analyst at City of Hope
- Michael Webb (Geography) Senior Policy Analyst at PHADA
- Hu Wei (Geography) Director of Analytics & Research at Travelers Insurance
- Rachael Woldoff (Sociology) Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at West Virginia University
- Hye-Jin Yoon (Geography) Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- Bo Zhao (Geography) Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Washington