Childcare Provider Web Map

Central Ohio Early Childhood Supply Map

Action for Children approached CURA about creating an interactive web-map tool that civic leaders, advocates and child care providers could use to explore the availability of quality child care and early learning centers in Central Ohio. 

The Early Childhood Supply Map is launching in phases. This first phase includes all licensed child care and early learning programs: child care centers, preschools, before and after school programs, and licensed family child care homes. The Early Childhood Supply Map displays supply for Franklin County and its six contiguous counties; Delaware, Fairfield, Licking, Madison, Pickaway, and Union. Currently, the Early Childhood Supply Map provides the following for each program:

  • Location and spatial relationship for each licensed program
  • Licensed capacity of each program (shown by size of circle)
  • Current star-rating in Ohio’s Step Up To Quality rating and improvement system (shown by color of circle)
  • Type of care (manipulated by checking one or all type of care boxes on the key)

In later phases, the Early Childhood Supply Map will be enhanced to include enrollment and zip code level child population counts.