In 2020, CURA's events focused on the theme of "Food Security and Healthy Communities." However, CURA's events were changed dramatically by the Coronavirus pandemic. CURA began hosting monthly webinars on “Cities and Regions in the Post-Coronavirus Era,” initiating community conversations on lessons to be learned from the crisis to create a more resilient and sustainable world.
Food Security & Healthy Communities | Spring 2020
Panel Participants:
- Cheryl L Graffagnino - Local Food Systems Strategies Coordinator, The City of Columbus
- Brian Estabrook - Food Systems Planner, Franklin County Economic Development & Planning Department
- Karima Samadi - PROSPER Prevention Coordinator, OSU Extension
- Kareem Usher - Assistant Professor, City and Regional Planning, The Ohio State University

Panel Participants:
- Marc S. White, Co-Founder and Farm Operations Manager, Rid-All Green Partnership
- Michaela Oldfield, Director of Greater Cincinnati Regional Food Policy Council, Green Umbrella Regional Sustainability Alliance
- Rick Carne, Senior Advisor Hall Hunger Initiative, Dayton
- R. Alan Wight, Community & School Forest Garden Liaison, University of Cincinnati and The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences