Think Beyond Summit: Urban Universities + Thriving Communities: Featured Discussion on Mobility and Inclusive Communities

February 3, 2020

Think Beyond Summit: Urban Universities + Thriving Communities: Featured Discussion on Mobility and Inclusive Communities


CURA's Director, Harvey Miller, moderated the featured discussion on Mobility and Inclusive Communities at the Think Beyond Summit Urban Universities + Thriving Communities event last month. This panel featured Columbus leaders who are working towards a more socially equitable community that provides opportunities to all. The panel consisted of Shayla D. Favor, Columbus City Councilmember, Jennifer L. Gallagher, Director of the Department of Public Service at the City of Columbus, Joanna M. Pinkerton, President and CEO of the Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA), and William Murdock, Executive Director or the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC).  

This panel discussed issues facing Columbus and the surrounding communities. The panel spoke about how cities, community organizations, and universities could work together to solve mobility challenges within the Columbus and surrounding communities. Topics discussed included better transportation planning and land-use policies, the need for affordable housing, changing our infrastructure priorities, and how transportation can create more inclusive communities. 

The morning keynote speaker for the Think Beyond Summit was Gil Penalosa, who discussed how to build cities that are inclusive to all regardless of age, gender, income or ethnic background. Mr. Penalosa made time to participate in a student round table hosted by CURA where he challenged students from Geography and City and Regional Planning to make their communities more inclusive, livable places.

Gil Penalosa student round table

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