Outreach Recap: Market-Based Climate Adaptation in the Built Environment with Jesse M. Keenan

On January 21, 2022, CURA hosted Dr. Jesse M. Keenan, Associate Professor and social scientist within the faculty of the School of Architecture at Tulane University. During this talk, Jesse walked us through the term 'climigration' and what this means for markets and the built environment of housing and real estate. Climate gentrification was shown as a way of localized demand changes instead of normal gentrification where there is regular supply and demand. At this point, three pathways of climate gentrification were introduced, the superior investment pathway, the cost burden pathway, and the resilience investment pathway. The webinar ended on what climigration could look like in Ohio; and questions for us to be asking ourselves and our leadership.
Missed the talk or would like to rewatch it? Head to our YouTube channel or watch using the link below!
Recording: https://cura.osu.edu/events/jesse-m.-keenan-market-based-climate-adaptation-built-environment