Natural Resources and GIS: Applications at the Local Level
As an urban soil and water conservation district, GIS is playing critical roles in allowing us to promote responsible land use decisions for the improvement of soil and water resources in Franklin County, Ohio. Managing stormwater and meeting stormwater permit requirements for OEPA is a large part of what the Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District focuses on. This presentation will provide an overview of how the District is using GIS to address these topics as well as an array of projects where GIS has been used to manage and analyze data related to our natural resources here in Franklin County.
Josh Garver is the Assistant Director and Natural Resource GIS Manager at Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District. He provides technical guidance and support to staff, maintains GIS data layers and is involved in a variety of projects providing GIS expertise and support. Josh also coordinates GIS-based projects with various Franklin County agencies and local municipalities, which focus on improving water quality and meeting requirements for the NPDES permit held by Franklin County. Josh is a GISP, has his Master's certificate in GIS from North Carolina State University, a minor in City and Regional Planning from the Ohio State University and a B.S. in landscape architecture from the Ohio State University.