Evolving Community Engagement Panel Discussion

Tech in the City
December 2, 2022
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Online Webinar (Zoom): Register using the registration link at the bottom of the page

Date Range
2022-12-02 12:00:00 2022-12-02 13:00:00 Evolving Community Engagement Panel Discussion   Technology has profoundly impacted cities: they are more dynamic and active than ever before. Can we use these new technology and data to rise to the challenge of an urban planet? This fall, CURA will invite, planners, storytellers, and urban scholars to share how they see technologies changing cities, and they use these technologies to guide cities to better outcomes. We will be focusing on how people move, plan, and engage in the new urban technology age. In 2021, five senior members of three major planning firms (Connect the Dots Insights, Sam Schwartz, and Nelson/Nygaard) co-authored a manifesto published in Planetizen.com: It's Time for Public Participation to Evolve With Transportation Planning. We will discuss with the authors the gauntlet they have thrown down, and their ideas for paths forward. Moderated by Harvey Miller  Evolving Community Engagement Panel: Marisa Denker: Founder and CEO of Connect the Dots Mike Flynn, AICP: Principal + National Director, Transportation Planning of Sam Schwartz Theresa Carr, AICP: Senior Principal, Boston Office Lead Nelson Nygaard Samantha Donovan, AICP: Senior Transportation Planner at Sam Schwartz Consulting REGISTER FOR THE EVENT AND GET ZOOM INFORMATION AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://osu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_enxps48zRPWlOrppjjLiIg  This event is approved for 1 AICP CM credit. To claim your CM credits, log into your My APA account on the APA website and enter the event into your online CM event log. Online Webinar (Zoom): Register using the registration link at the bottom of the page America/New_York public


Technology has profoundly impacted cities: they are more dynamic and active than ever before. Can we use these new technology and data to rise to the challenge of an urban planet? This fall, CURA will invite, planners, storytellers, and urban scholars to share how they see technologies changing cities, and they use these technologies to guide cities to better outcomes. We will be focusing on how people move, plan, and engage in the new urban technology age.

In 2021, five senior members of three major planning firms (Connect the Dots Insights, Sam Schwartz, and Nelson/Nygaard) co-authored a manifesto published in Planetizen.com: It's Time for Public Participation to Evolve With Transportation Planning. We will discuss with the authors the gauntlet they have thrown down, and their ideas for paths forward.

Moderated by Harvey Miller 

Evolving Community Engagement Panel:

Marisa Denker: Founder and CEO of Connect the Dots

Mike Flynn, AICP: Principal + National Director, Transportation Planning of Sam Schwartz

Theresa Carr, AICP: Senior Principal, Boston Office Lead Nelson Nygaard

Samantha Donovan, AICP: Senior Transportation Planner at Sam Schwartz Consulting

REGISTER FOR THE EVENT AND GET ZOOM INFORMATION AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://osu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_enxps48zRPWlOrppjjLiIg 

This event is approved for 1 AICP CM credit. To claim your CM credits, log into your My APA account on the APA website and enter the event into your online CM event log.


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